[edit on 02.08.09]
Wasnt been updating my blog recently,
cause i realised that i hv nothing to blog.
Last friday was a TIRING day!
Work double hard that day,
and after work, all of us headed to ECP for BBQ
Celebrate for nurses day!
First outing with them and is fun!
And one of our doctors is damn funny!
headed home on cab around 10.30pm, exhausted!
and our nurse foot the cab fare for us. Thanks!
Reached home, bathe and sleep!
Last sat, went to Queensway with mummy.
bought one sport shoes for myself ($92 aft dis.)
*cut a slice of my heart away* my hard-earned $$.
after that, went to IKEA.
Simply love to walk around IKEA,
got to see all the different designs of,
bedrooms, kitchen, living room...
and i love one of the kitchen alot,
it has a large table in the center,
which i can use it for my baking... =D
Anyway, ate our dinner at there too.
Miss the old days at IKEA,
where we always go there to eat the chicken wings.
and it is still nice!
and bought 2 key chains from a deaf man,
which costs me $10. haha mummy scolded me dumb.
Anyway, i gave the key chains to my two nephews.
Headed home after that.
Last sunday, went out to Bugis with dar.
caught 'Obsessed' at Iluma,
quite a nice show.
It says about a girl who was so obsessed about his boss.
and hv illusion... Girl problems???
Went shopping, bought a 2pieces swimming suite.
I like it, fav oclour.
but couldnt get a bikini cause no $$.
As usual, went to bai bai at the temple.
Had our dinner at Manhattan Fish Market.
Duno why i cant upload photos here,
think bloggers got problem ba.
Fully, nice and cheap!
Ordered a Mud Pie too, but not very nice..
Walked around awhile and headed home.