Wednesday went out with elaine
met up at Orchard
lunch at Food Republic
went to Levis shop, elaine target a jean ($160+)
but don't have her size,
went to other outlets, don't have the colour at all
Shopped Heeren, Cineleisure
elaine bought a short at Blossom with 20% dis.
(cos her fren working dere)
look for AXS machine but cant find
finally found one at mrt control station
Headed to Bugis, straight to Waston
bought hair dye, whitening lotion and TISSUES
Heavy flu and is horrible!!!
elaine bought 3 facial masks @ FaceShop $10
Headed to Bugis street, shopped for heels and dress
took up quite a time at a shop
finally elaine bought one red dress @ Zimple $45.90
heels not up to standard
she bought a black skinny pant @ $30
also ear-rings, 3 for $5, the shop is damn warm due to the spot lights
went back Bugis junction, URS
finally decide to buy a crouch $14.40 (me and elaine)
then head straight to work liao
Night, fever
Midnight, fever, shiver
next day still fever cox of flu i believe
ate little and feel weak
dragged myself to work
collect pay, no rise of pay...
dragged myself back hm too
rest at night...
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