Bought baking ingredients,
spent me almost $30!!!
Friday night prepare the dough,
put into fridge
Saturday baked it
spent half a day (5-6 hrs)
baked for myself, friends, his family, clinic colleagues, sisters
his aunt say put in fridge,
outcome will be better,
but don't seem so
anyway still taste nice
the kitchen is so hot,
like in a sauna *faint*
but effort is worth it, i think...
mummy cooked dinner
nice and delicious
night time exercise
cause eat quite a lot
night rest and next morning (Sun) got work
tired, brought the cookies for colleagues
LH and Dr. Tong commented nice
lunch ate cup noodles
not baking brownies liao
need rest, but going to do exercise later
Since yesterday, did not receive his call
he went to field camp
no phone allow
miss him??? of course
hope he is doing well
with no injury or illness
5 more days to go...
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