01 December 2006

morning meet elaine and darius.. darius cut hair le.. abit weird.. haha.. den reach klaz ard 8.25.. initially faci dun let us combined team but in the end still manage to persuade him.. combined wif Isaac, Linda, Yongchuen and Lipeng.. prefer tis team.. discuss wksht and went for first break out..

onli wif elaine coz other either not free or dun wan.. went w4 eat mixed rice.. being "force" by elaine again.. went back klaz continue do wksht.. aft completing the wksht do ppt.. research all tis.. each other got our own task.. aft dat play cs.. try weishi de.. her one more fun so ask her to send mi.. linda came back to compile slides.. wanna pon de but in the end stay...

third meeting start and alot of qns been asked.. lesson end ard 4.. went off wif elaine.. elaine nxt mon not coming le.. she went oversea.. sob sob.. gonna miz her~ reach hm b4 5.. bathe and eat porridge den go work le.. todae not much patient.. abit sianz.. dardar went to his fish fren hse to buy fish.. nv see the guy b4 de lo.. haix..

reach hm cut cake for mama.. HAPPY BDAE!!! took foto too.. the cake not dat nice.. abit bland de.. haha do rj and chat online wif dardar.. below are the foto taken:

look delicious har.. hehex..

nephew de smile abit 'mian qiang'

mama wif second sis

finally mi and mama..

morning meet fanny onli.. darius late and elaine go off first.. tis prob abt foto taking of building.. do wksht wif team and went for break out.. 1015 nid to be back in klaz.. eaten cup corn..

we decide our building but din go out to take foto.. took frm net.. drop dwn notes in Words.doc.. present verbally during third meeting.. quite a boring dae..

aft sch do proposal again.. went library to do.. met shi, cl and jade at cafe galilee.. chit chat abit wif them den go do proposal le.. bought a blueberry muffin to eat.. discuss tis and dat.. yong chuen went off early again for his band.. den we continued till 7.. send all to Isaac to let him compile everything.. walk to interchange tgt.. took 187 hm as usual..

bathe, wash clothes and fold clothes.. sis cum pick mi up to go airport fetch mama at ard 9.. send her fren hm first.. do rj in the car.. fall aslp as quite tired de.. reach airport ard 10.. air-con dere super cold.. went to buy hot milo to warm up abit.. nephew run ard as usual..

FINALLY, mama cum out le.. YEAH!!! drove her back hm.. take a nap in the car too.. both mi and nephew sick but i tink nephew more worse..

reach hm quite late.. submit rj and mama bought alot of thing.. bought bag, earrings, necklace for mi.. thkz!! and a tee-shirt for bf.. bought alot of cups too... wahaha.. she oso bought back BREAD!!! imported bread lehx.. haha funni lo.. den she go bathe i go slp.. dat's all abt ytd..

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